Seems a bit unfair that they aren't willing to pay for shipping from Malaysia

Did you lose much data? For me; it was the photos that were the biggest blow as movies, apps & music can all be downloaded again (albeit with a huge inconvenience overhead!). Stupid, I know, but I'd got photos from the past five or six years on only on my secondary HD (mostly my GF's photos - she's a keen amateur photographer and would have been gutted to lose the lot).
I've ordered two new 500GB WD Caviar Black drives which I'm going to set up in RAID 0 array, then use existing 500GB and 250GB as manual redundancy (manually back up the important files onto them). I was hoping to set up a RAID 10 array but can't really afford a 3rd new HD to make up the 4 HD's I'd need for that :'(