Author Topic: Seedbox enquiry  (Read 50356 times)

Offline ntneko

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Seedbox enquiry
« on: March 31, 2009, 12:33:04 PM »
Hi, I'm currently subscribed to the VPN service and am thinking about using seedbox to complement it. I'm already quite happy with the amount of stuff I'm able to download, my needs now are mainly uploading to maintain ratios on private trackers. I have been reading to find out more but I still have some unanswered questions so here goes:

1. 15GB seedbox is priced at RM50/month. VPN + Seedbox is currently at RM65/month, is that right?

2. I'm currently on the 125 day VPN deal. Is there a combo package for VPN + Seedbox for 125 days?

3. If I want to just try out Seedbox for a month, can I get any rebate or discount since I have a current VPN subscription running till July 09? (Hoping to get some leeway from Reuben since I am a long time subscriber, no harm trying right?)

4. How fast can I download stuff from Seedbox to my PC? Will this affect ongoing torrent speeds which I am downloading via VPN?

5. I'm very noob and got boggled when reading the setup guide for Seedbox. Is there hope for me to use Seedbox? How noob, you may ask... well, I've not used FTP before so... and rtorrent? @.@

Enlightenment is much appreciated.



Offline Reuben

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 01:03:33 PM »
Hi, I'm currently subscribed to the VPN service and am thinking about using seedbox to complement it. I'm already quite happy with the amount of stuff I'm able to download, my needs now are mainly uploading to maintain ratios on private trackers. I have been reading to find out more but I still have some unanswered questions so here goes:

1. 15GB seedbox is priced at RM50/month. VPN + Seedbox is currently at RM65/month, is that right?

That is right for the non-gui version. If you want a GUI with the seedbox it's
2. I'm currently on the 125 day VPN deal. Is there a combo package for VPN + Seedbox for 125 days?
No, the discount unfortunately only applies to subsequent renewals and we do not give rebates for the existing VPN days.
Therefore after your 125 days expires and if your bolehbox subscription is still active, then you will get VPN for RM15.00 but we can't give you a rebate or discount for your existing VPN days.
This is due to the setup involved of a seedbox and we are basically giving you the VPN close to cost so if we were to refund, then there is little additional profit in setting up a seedbox.

3. If I want to just try out Seedbox for a month, can I get any rebate or discount since I have a current VPN subscription running till July 09? (Hoping to get some leeway from Reuben since I am a long time subscriber, no harm trying right?)

Refer to above answer however if you wish to subscribe for 2 months or more, we can talk about discounts.

4. How fast can I download stuff from Seedbox to my PC? Will this affect ongoing torrent speeds which I am downloading via VPN?

There is no cap really as long as you can max out your speed within 8 ftp threads. Please note that this is dependent on Streamyx routing as well.
Well of course if you are maxing out downloads from VPN, then you don't have much for FTP and vice versa. Common sense la.


5. I'm very noob and got boggled when reading the setup guide for Seedbox. Is there hope for me to use Seedbox? How noob, you may ask... well, I've not used FTP before so... and rtorrent? @.@

Depends how noob :P We have total newbies who are willing to read and ask the right questions and they learn to get it running.

However, if you don't want to go through that, then you would have to go for the GUI version which is more expensive though we can consider a slight discount for this taking into account your long term subscriber status with us.


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Offline adam7979

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 01:44:21 PM »

4. How fast can I download stuff from Seedbox to my PC? Will this affect ongoing torrent speeds which I am downloading via VPN?

with screamingx ip range of 60.5x.xx.xx i have no problem maxing ftp speed from the seedbox. yey.
We got F1 circuit with F1 drivers but need to use a kancil if want to go to Singapore. - Pit Boss

[January 17, 2010, 07:37:40 PM] zniper982: any news on when the streamyx going to be been 2 weeks now
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Offline ntneko

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 03:16:59 PM »
Thanks for the reply, Reuben. Alright, let me go have a look at the setup page again before making a decision. I don't mind learning how to use seedbox, it's just that the setup instructions were rather complicated. I assume it will be easier once I'm actually doing it instead of just reading it.


Offline ntneko

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 04:40:47 PM »
OK, I've looked through the setup guide. Let me see if I understand correctly:

1. I will use one of the methods described to use my seedbox i.e. one of either an FTP Client like Filezilla, or Putty, or rtorrent. In the case of my noobness, Filezilla is probably the best choice!

2. The FTP client is used for downloading from seedbox. My normal torrents will continue to use utorrent.

3. Since my bandwidth is limited, for the purposes of downloading I should generally be using only one or the other, and not both. (as per common sense from Reuben)

4. For the purposes of uploading however, I can use max my utorrent (to download and upload) and at the same time upload with my seedbox since the upload from the seedbox won't be using my bandwidth. Right?



Offline Reuben

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 04:48:17 PM »
Rtorrent is the torrent client itself. It resides on the server.

Putty is the program you use to access rtorrent's interface.

Utorrent has no role in the seedbox. This service is totally unrelated to our VPN.

Example of normal usage of the seedbox:
1) I go to a torrent site and see a torrent I want
2) I download the .torrent file onto my computer (not the file itself)
3) I use Filezilla FTP to upload the .torrent file into the seedbox's torrents folder
4) The seedbox detects this newly uploaded .torrent file and begins downloading the actual file.
5) You monitor your download/upload via Putty and access the rtorrent interface from there.
6) Once the file is complete on your seedbox, you download the file off FTP (Filezilla again).
7) Using Putty you remove the torrent (not the file) from your rtorrent after you are done seeding.
8) When you want to clear space, you use Filezilla to delete the file off your seedbox space.

Yes you can always use utorrent and the seedbox together to upload.
Bandwidth is limited yes but you can always choose to dl using both if you wish to.
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Offline ntneko

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 04:58:18 PM »
Thanks for the more detailed explanation, Reuben. One more question though, do I have to use both Filezilla and Putty to utilize the seedbox or can I just use Filezilla alone?

From the setup descriptions, it looks like I can simply use Filezilla to do everything I'd want to do with seedbox i.e. upload to .torrent file to start the torrent, delete it to stop the torrent and download the file.

Is there a specific reason why I would have to use Putty as well? Or is that just a different way to interface with the seedbox?


Offline adam7979

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2009, 05:01:49 PM »
you use putty mainly to start/stop torrent job, and you can do the rest (files operation, like upload torrent files, download finished files) via ftp client. However putty offers better way of managing files via command line, like removing everything in a single command .... :o

We got F1 circuit with F1 drivers but need to use a kancil if want to go to Singapore. - Pit Boss

[January 17, 2010, 07:37:40 PM] zniper982: any news on when the streamyx going to be been 2 weeks now
[January 17, 2010, 08:37:33 PM] ┼65□™ [558]: you've been in malaysia for two weeks onl

Offline Reuben

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2009, 05:14:12 PM »
You can't see how fast your seedbox is downloading or uploading via filezilla

u would need putty for that.
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Offline ntneko

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2009, 05:31:24 PM »
I see... now I get what you meant by needing to use putty to access rtorrent's interface. There is hope for me after all!

OK, thanks for the answer. And also thanks to adam7979 for your help.


Offline ntneko

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2009, 05:36:40 PM »
Btw, forgot to ask, is there a seedbox slot available for me to take up?


Offline Reuben

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2009, 11:37:03 PM »
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Offline ntneko

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2009, 12:43:05 PM »
Hi Reuben,

Payment sent for 15GB seedbox for 30 days. Cheers!


Offline adam7979

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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2009, 01:33:29 PM »
gl with that. you will NOT regret it. awesome box  8)
We got F1 circuit with F1 drivers but need to use a kancil if want to go to Singapore. - Pit Boss

[January 17, 2010, 07:37:40 PM] zniper982: any news on when the streamyx going to be been 2 weeks now
[January 17, 2010, 08:37:33 PM] ┼65□™ [558]: you've been in malaysia for two weeks onl


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Re: Seedbox enquiry
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2009, 12:16:28 PM »
Hello Reuben,saya nak jugak seedbox.ada kekosongan slot lagi tak?
Package RM50 15gb/30days