Just wanted to add to the positive feedback- I've just signed up for another month and will get a 6 month subscription when I have the finances (btw, thanks for supporting Australia Post load and go Visa too!).
Admittedly my speed is not great, but I'm in Australia and our ISP's are pretty crappy, so our speed leaves a lot to be desired- the speed issues are there regardless of whether I'm using BolehVPN or not.
However, thanks to the trouble shooting info I have managed to get my uTorrent icon to turn green (most of the time) using the half-open patch for Windows XP and I'm a Mac user! Trust me, using my kids old Dell brick and Windows XP SP3 is completely counter intuitive for me, yet I have still managed to use Boleh, improve the pc's speeds and safely participate in P2P thanks to the support and helpful information found on your site.
Thanks for making this easy even for non tech heads like myself... I'm still not sure if I should attempt to fiddle with port forwarding, but I'm sure if I do that I will get all the help I need to do it right using your faqs and forum.
Keep up the excellent work
