Author Topic: Install OpenVPN on iPhone/iPad using guizmovpn  (Read 23720 times)


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Install OpenVPN on iPhone/iPad using guizmovpn
« on: September 08, 2010, 11:33:18 PM »
You will need a JB iPhone.


Step 1

On a Mac, create a folder name vpn and drop these files bolehvpn send you into it.

1. ca.crt
4. US-SurfingStreaming.ovpn

Right click on the folder and compress the folder.

On PC, use 7zip to create zip file.


Step 2

On the iPhone/iPad

In Cydia -> Manage -> Edit -> Add -> ""

Install the only package there by clicking on the new added source.

Go back to home page after install n run GuizmOVPN

Click on settings -> Web Server -> On (Note the ip address that appear.)

Step 3

Go back to your computer.

Open a web browser and type in the ip address in the address bar.

Click choose file and select the file your have made in Step 1 and click submit

Close the browser, done!

Back to iPhone/iPad

Web Server -> OFF

Click General and select vpn under the select configuration.

Connect -> On

Hit home button on iDevice.

Done!!!!   :P