Author Topic: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far  (Read 171269 times)


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Re: RAN needs your help
« Reply #75 on: November 02, 2007, 03:10:51 PM »
Just banked in Rm100 at Ampang Point. Time is 1456 and date is 02/11/2007
« Last Edit: November 02, 2007, 03:12:29 PM by louislee1991 »

Offline MichaelE

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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #76 on: November 05, 2007, 10:39:55 PM »
Juz online bank in RM50.
Transaction Date/Time:  05 Nov 2007 22:32:33

Hope u get well soon.


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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #77 on: November 11, 2007, 08:35:56 PM »
dude...just bank in Rm 50.00 into the Maybank account at 7.57pm location Medan Jaya 1 Bintulu...sorry for the late bank in...forgetful guy wat... ;D ;D


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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #78 on: December 11, 2007, 01:39:36 PM »
Dear Bolehians,

Reuben requested that I write this update myself, so here it is.

I had an appointment with my Orthorpaedic doctor on 15th November. His advice is to wait and take my time to consider. It is major surgery and I should not rush the decision. Most patients whom he operates on are in worse condition than I am. A follow-up appointment has been set for 13th March, 2008. In the meantime, should my condition worsen, I can make an emergency visit.

He has asked me to do a search on Total Disc Replacement. The artificial disc used is called the Charite III. There is a 1% risk during surgery. An incision is made above the belly button. The spinal cord branches into minor nerves at the lumbar area of the spine. Some of these nerves may be cut and could result in weakness in both legs, and numbness in both ankles and toes post surgery. There are also major veins and nerves which must be moved aside. Major risks include bleeding should a vein be cut. A vascular surgeon is on hand to assist. Another orthopaedic surgeon will also be part of the team.

The cost is RM8,500, which may or may not include other fees. I got confused as he first said that the artificial disc would cost RM8,500, and he also said the surgery costs likewise. I hope to make this clear next visit. Financial help through, what I think, is a Government organisation, is also available to me once a decision has been made on surgery. I do not recall the name. I will need a better lumbar support post surgery than I have at present as well. As is the case with hospitals, a fee is normally required during registration so this fund can be used then. As the fund is not needed at present, I asked if Reuben would be willing to hold on to it, and to discuss it with all of you.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank each and every bolehian who has willingly, and generously, contributed to this fund. It shocked and totally surprised me. I am very, very touched that all of you were willing to give so much to someone you have never met. A mere thank you is insufficient to express the gratitude I have for your kindness and generosity. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 12:24:49 PM by RAN »

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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #79 on: January 22, 2008, 11:31:40 AM »
A little update. RAN is having some doubts about carrying out the operation due to the possible complications so she cannot decide anytime soon. She's still thinking about it and will undergo it if the situation worsens.

Meanwhile, I am thinking of using some of the money instead to get RAN a better lumbar support belt to help her in the meantime.

Her current one costs RM150 but she will get more info on this as to how much of the fund we can use and anything else that can help her.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 12:17:53 PM by Erun »
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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #81 on: January 26, 2008, 11:16:23 AM »
The link isn't working for me... maybe the site is down.


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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #82 on: January 26, 2008, 03:41:22 PM »
It works for me

Offline Schadenfreude

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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #83 on: January 26, 2008, 03:43:38 PM »
Yep, it works now.  :)


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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #84 on: February 09, 2008, 11:47:01 PM »
If RAN thinks the surgery is too risky and it will cause more complications to her current lifestyle, let the charity fund be saved up for rainy days. Who knows when a major disaster would strike us and we could use the fund to aid the victims then.

Either way, I think it's no cause for alarm, disappointment or worry.

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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #85 on: February 10, 2008, 12:13:44 AM »
I expect an update on March :D
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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #86 on: March 07, 2008, 05:06:58 PM »
RAN will be sending me a receipt of her lumbar brace when she purchases it and I will post it here along with my payment to her.
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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #87 on: March 17, 2008, 10:53:03 PM »
Final decision:

RM 500 to be released now to her Standard Chartered account with her producing the invoices/receipts as she purchases them later.
Remainder to be released upon full production of invoices/receipts.

Issue closed the following is just for record purposes:

Ok we have a little dillemma here. RAN has found out she needs some things to make her life easier regardless of the operation or not. That's fair enough.

She needs a special insole, mattress, some specialized cushions. She is being checked up but this is going to take some time so she needs to relieve the pain first. That's fair enough too.

She told me she was sourcing for the suppliers since buying it from the UK was rather expensive.

What I proposed was the following:

1) She source around for suppliers in the region to see if they have it. If they don't she approaches the UK peeps.
2) She requests for a quote or gives me their ordering page once she confirms her order.
3) And then either I release the money to her or pay directly to them and get it delivered to her.
4) The receipt is then posted here for all to see and deducted from the fund.

However she says she needs the cash in hand which I refused. She says it would make the ordering process easier since she needs a downpayment to order a lot of these things.

I told her that to get a quote does not require money. Just send me the quote or the ordering page and I'll do all that is necessary to get the items to her.

She continued to insist for it upon which I became suspicious and upset as it really was a simple process. I refused to budge and decided that it would be best to let you guys decide.

I'm really not here to keep the money but I just don't understand why she needs the money in hand and believe my process is fair, easy and transparent to all. To insist a deviation from that just makes me even more cautious.

I attach the entire transcript of our conversation for your perusal.

EDIT: Just for clarity's sake, decision will be made by simple majority for those who have voted. Voting time will be till the end of the week on 23 March 2008.

EDIT: For simplicity here are the options

Please make it clear which you are choosing!

1) Release the money straight away
2) Release the money only upon being presented quote/receipt/order page or have me pay for it and deliver it directly to her
3) Neutral
4) Release the money only upon surgery and not for support aids.
5) ADDED: Return all money to their rightful owners and leave it up to each person to donate personally to RAN or not.


Seeing there is a divergence of views and the change of circumstances of the purposes of the donation, may I suggest that EVERYONE instructs me on what they wish to do with their portion alone and I will do the necessary.

a) Remit the money immediately to RAN
b) Remit the money back to the donor
c) Wait for documentation

Thank you.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 03:19:48 PM by Erun »
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Offline Reuben

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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #88 on: March 17, 2008, 11:13:35 PM »
Guys please post your thoughts.

Option 1 = 5 RM600 (sufficient for downpayment)
Option 2 = 2 RM200
Option 5 = 2 RM200 (including izzymaxx)

1. Reuben = RM100 PAID Option 5
2. Donkey = RM200 PAID Option 1
3. eye = RM200 PAID
4. tobecx = RM200 PAID
5. silencers = RM50 PAID Option 1
6. freeman = RM50 PAID Option 1
7. edan1979 = RM50 PAID
8. Dwolfren = RM300 PAID
9. dex = RM50 PAID Option 2
10. Louislee = RM100 PAID Option 2
11. Izzymaxx: RM100 PAID Reuben's call
12. chairman: RM100 PAID
13. ctrlaltdel2: RM100 PAID
14. redcable: RM50 PAID
15. verve: RM10 PAID
16. dann: RM55.55 PAID
17. mfi08: RM10 PAID
18. james2306: RM50 PAID
19. diablo: RM100 PAID
20. kiddc: RM200 PAID Option 1
21. yuzzm: RM50 PAID
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 12:39:01 PM by Erun »
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Re: RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far
« Reply #89 on: March 17, 2008, 11:18:28 PM »
My views on this issue:

No receipt, no claim. Okay, so can't afford to buy it on her own, so let Reubs make the purchase and get it delivered to her. Reubs gets the receipt, RAN gets the stuff.

RAN could just get in touch with a doctor/specialist who can give/recommend her a list of retailers who sells the things she needs. Then she can hand the list to Reubs.

I don't see why she needs the money on hand other than to use the money for other things. The money is for her surgery, and now it seems it's for support items too, but not for her to spend on other things.
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