Community: Hang out with the Boleh family > MarketPlace

WTS Nvidia 9600 GT and Accelero S1 Rev 2

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it's called SLI

They are joined with a SLI connector.

Btw the new 9800 GX 2 (the 2 k one) is basically two G92 cores (the 8800 GT core) joined together on one card. so it's basically 8800 GT on SLI but apparently performs worse.

ya i reckon im gonna go for the dual 9600z

i need a price on two 9600z with the sli attachment so i can run two cards

Do you have a mobo that supports SLI?

it's the mobo that comes with the connector usually.

Not sure, its an Intel board, model number DP965LT, aaah shit it says graphics interface pci express so i dont think i can do two


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