BolehVPN Support > Installation Support

Current Version is 3.04 for Windows?


i.e. from

Had to ask since the BolehVPN.exe is dated March 17, 2015 and there was an update pushed today or yesterday. Wondering if the exe had been replaced or not.

There is no changes to main bolehvpn.exe itself but replacement were made to the latest openvpn binary and related libraries (dll).

Hello, so sorry to have posted this in this section. I have paid for a week to use the vpn but up till now, it keeps asking whether my subscription as expired and i needed to renew it whenever i click on connect. i'm really frustrated here.I attached the receipt of my payment

Hey there,

Could you head to the Settings tab of the BolehVPN client and hit Update Configurations? Should be working after that.

I've also extended your subscription to make up for lost time


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