Community: Hang out with the Boleh family > MarketPlace

~~Brand New~~4GB USB MP10 Digital Pocket Video Recorder Ballpoint Pen


This 4GB USB MP10 Digital Pocket Video Recorder Ballpoint Pen is a mini DVR (Digital Video Recorder) which combines a color camera and recorder in the shape of a pen that actually writes! Perfect for recording live performances or covert surveillance and much more. It features an impressive 4 GB capacity, easy to use one touch record button and a USB interface. This MP9 pen is equipped with a small pin-hole camera and records AVI video clips with a video resolution of 352 x 288 CIF pixels. In addition, this fully functional ball point pen provides smooth writing with black ink that can be replaced with standard refills.

more info :


U have any sample video of this?

will try to upload for you, just came back...tired and wasted. will be update tomorrow, thanks.

Thanks :D

OMG....this is more than 120days and i did not upload for you to see...
man...i really forgotten this thing.


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