BolehVPN Support > Installation Support

How do I setup Bolehvpn with Pfsense ?


Is there a setup guide for Pfsense ?

There isn't an official guide on the website, some staff might know how, I'm not sure.

This is the Client support section of BolehVPN:

Pfsense isn't something typically supported through a VPN service, and usually when someone is stepping up to this level, it's considered they're experienced to do it on their own.

I have used Pfsense in the past, I found it pretty straight forward, install the OpenVPN package, then go through the settings of Pfsense based off the options you see listed in the .ovpn config files.

All I can tell you is there is a lot of information online that can help guide you in the right direction to get a good feel for this. If this doesn't work for you, Pfsense has an IRC channel on Freenode, where you can get real time support.


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