Community: Hang out with the Boleh family > Charity to our Fellow Bolehians

RAN needs your help RM2125.55 Collected Thus Far

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Option A for me as well

I have always disliked trying to "talk" to people using instant messengers. Texts overlapped, conversations loose track, and before you know it everything is screwed and misunderstandings occur. Its just impossible to convey everything correctly without the subtle nuances of face expression, tone of voice, body movement, and a gut feeling that a person is being honest. Its unfortunate that what I had intended has ended up creating a negative environment.
I had initially wanted to "talk" to Reuben about my appointment with my doctor, the result of the Bone Mass scan, why it was done, what was advised, and the reasons why I then decided that instead of waiting for ever for a surgery that might not happen happen, why not use the fund to purchase items that I had put on the back burner to help with my condition. Before posting anything here, I have always consulted with Reuben first. The money was placed in the bank after I discussed with him and enquired if the fund could be kept until a decision was made.
I re-read the script that Reuben posted, and have to admit I made a hasty remark about asking for the fund to be released before going into the details. The conversation was not supposed to go that way. It started to go awry when Reuben's text continued on and I found myself unable to interject and explain  in full detail. It happens. Then he disappeared and posted his comment before I had a chance to post mine. It would have explained my reasons to all of you.

2.59pm: Reuben called me, and after an explanation by both of us, have cleared the air. All is well.

I wish to thank Crappy, izzymaxx, kiddc, kamikaze, and james2306 for agreeing to release their donation  to me. All downpayment, or receipts, and pics of products will be upped here. It has been my intention to be transparent to all of you too. If I have missed anyone, please inform me.

Decision made already. This RAN very loh soh la what I saw as evasiveness was probably loh sohness. Should have known from the way she asks me for tech help....Anyway issue sorted and air cleared.

This is how it will go as per our phone discussion (please confirm RAN):

RM 500 first to RAN (will do so shortly) for her down payments, small purchases etc with receipts, invoices etc (just to ensure transparency) to her Standard Chartered bank account.
Remainder to be released to her upon full presentation of invoices and receipts.

I believe this suits everybody and will be closing this decision as final as soon as RAN confirms it here.


--- Quote from: RAN on March 18, 2008, 03:05:43 PM ---
I wish to thank Crappy, izzymaxx, kiddc, kamikaze, and james2306 for agreeing to release their donation  to me. All downpayment, or receipts, and pics of products will be upped here. It has been my intention to be transparent to all of you too. If I have missed anyone, please inform me.

--- End quote ---

All the best to u RAN and get well soon

Rm500 remitted

Please see attached pdf.


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