Community: Hang out with the Boleh family > General Discussion

The Official BolehVPN Members Speed Screenshots

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see my wave-pattern dloading to see but a pain to me  :-\

First day on 4Mbps. I noticed that the BRAS still rate limit me to around 1.3Mbps.


--- Quote from: clieman on March 26, 2009, 08:40:48 PM ---First day on 4Mbps. I noticed that the BRAS still rate limit me to around 1.3Mbps.

--- End quote ---

Dude, ur line is capped wrongly. I am on 1mb line and i am getting that speed

Been using BolehVPN for more than 3 months now
Happy with the service and FREE use of IPT account
Do any of you know what is the highest recorded download speed using BolehVPN?
My Best download speed is

p/s: please don't cap my download speed. ::)

can't seem to upload any file..nevermind..
you can drool on my avatar..hehehehe..
just kidding

--UPdated: Here is the screenshot..

My green line used to be right up or down the red one (20~30 kB/s). Thanx to you guys I can screw back Fibertel (full speed sin limitaciones they say) at 365 kB/s  :o.

thanx a lot!


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