Sales Queries > Product Enquiries

12 months IPT freeleech offer is suspended?

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IPT have already contacted us and working on a deal.


--- Quote from: AJaydono on January 03, 2019, 05:33:52 PM ---IPT have already contacted us and working on a deal.

--- End quote ---

Make sure to put it up on the Announcements... :)

We'll post it and also send it to users via newsletter :)

Any update?  It's been a couple of months since we've last heard anything.


--- Quote from: hungryarchi on March 14, 2019, 09:55:56 AM ---Any update?  It's been a couple of months since we've last heard anything.

--- End quote ---

Hi there,

The Freeleech has came back, there is a change in the agreement. Accounts that has been invited by BolehVPN will only see the donation list.
Price has been changed to 70$ for 6 months and 120$ for 12 months


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