Community: Hang out with the Boleh family > General Discussion

Brand of ADSL Modem Currently Using

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So everyone... since we're downloaders and net surfers...
Modem is a very important stuff... so lets vote for the best brand of year 2007
Lets see which brand is most widely used.

Last year i use Aztech 600EU ... it didnt gives me any prob
I juz bought D-Link DSL-520T

using aztech 600e until november last year when dlink router died
so decided to buy aztech 605ew (all-in one modem) got lot of problem
but after firmware upgrade all p2p problem solved
right now pushing 24/7

no ZTE? :P

Haha... u want ZTE meh?  :P

I'm using both Billion BiPAC-5112s and the Aztech 600E. I also have my old trusty 900E(B)2 just in case one of these dies.

I would love to use a LevelOne modem though. Tested one earlier last year and that damn thing was rock solid. Too bad I had to return it. :(

OT: Your nick is familiar, mike.. Olabit wasn't it? :D


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