A MAC is a hardware address of the device it can't change on it's own, so if you constantly see a new address, there is always the possibilty of a hacked device and someone trying to get on your network, or the hardware is bad and doing something odd, but even then the address should not change, from what I understand this is impossible to do so.
With the old tablet and new one, being the same types of devices there could be some odd MAC thing going on possibly with your network, conflicted with the old and new devices.
I'm assuming we're talking about seeing this MAC on a router? If so you could just do a router reset and clear it all out and see how that goes, might just be some Firmware glitch in the router.
Or your network could be compromised so make sure it's secure, and if after clearing the router and you still have the issue, reflash the router and see if that helps and if not get rid of that device, it could have a backdoor in it.