I was researching this yesterday, I found two programs, vpnetmonitor, and vpncheck. They basically check if a vpn is active, if the vpn disconnects, then it will close up to 3 programs, and reopen it when connection is re-established.
VPNetmonitor doesn't work with openvpn, only with actual adapters, I think openvpn creates virtual adaptors when a connection is made. These are good with other vpn providers that do not use openvpn.
VPNcheck does with openvpn. Also, vpncheck is more stable than the other.
http://www.jothodesign.com/vpncheck/ When I started the program, with bolehroute running, I found that the vpn ip address in the above program was assigned to the local IP (basically the program got the two mixed up), I think I pressed cycle ip to correct that.
I clicked on config.
In the first box, I chose utorrent.
In the options menu, under autostart I checked cycle IP: Task
I also kept the notifty window and check for updates ticked.